snp –> crosspoints
只能用15 win + 0.8 ratio:
- 我修改版,可修改win大小,ratio大小,未测试:
# Make three directories: ‘in_csv’, ‘out_csv’, and ‘bin_maps’
# Copy the python code and save the as ‘’, ‘’, and ‘’
# 1. make genotyped ".csv" files of each chromosome
# (there is example file in in_csv folder)
# 2. change in ''
# - in/out directory: line 12 and line 13
# - individual number: line 18
# - breakpoint threshold: line 19
# - chromosome length: line 20
# - test different window length in line 109. 0.5e6 - 6e6 is recommended
# 3. run '' for every chromosome
# - output file will be made in 'out_csv' folder
# 4. change in ''
# - in/out directory: line 17 and 18
# 5. run '' for every chromosome
# - output file will be made in 'bin_maps' folder
# 6. change in ''
# - in/out directory: line 58 and 59
# 7. run ''
# - output file will be made in 'bin_maps' folder
#!/usr/bin/env python
# this code ignore heterozygous genotype
'''Instead of using SNPs as the basis for window length, this algorithm uses
cM or bp units to count how many SNPs should go in a window. '''
# Modules
from __future__ import division
import sys
# Paths
in_file = 'in_csv/example.csv'
out_file = 'out_csv/example_breakpoint.csv'
# Often-modified global variables len_unit_Mb = True # specifies if the length unit is cM or Mb
genotype_case_upper = True # specifies if genotype cases are upper or lower
indi_number = 120 # number of individuals in csv file
break_consts = (0.3, 0.7) # breakpoint ratios
chrom_len = 9050551 # position of last chromosome in csv file
het_toler = 2 # constant multiplied to find transitional hets
# Authorship information
__author__ = 'Sungmin Kang'
__date__ = '2015-05-16'
__version__ = '1.1'
__maintainer__ = 'Koeun Han'
__email__ = ''
# Basic functions
def csvRead(filename, col_num):
'''Reads a certain column of a csv file, given column number and
filename. The function currently ignores hetero and -s.'''
f = open(filename, "r")
snp_list = []
for line in f:
if 'marker' in line: continue #ignores first line
line = line.strip()
comps = line.split(',')
#filter to ignore heteros or -s
if comps[col_num].lower() in 'h-': continue
snp_list.append((float(comps[1]), comps[col_num]))
return snp_list
def MakeCsv(filename, ref, cross_list, chrom_len):
'''adds lines to the filename in csv format. The function was copied
and pasted directly from the previous movingwindow code.'''
f = open(filename, "a")
for i in xrange(len(cross_list)):
cross_list[i] = str(cross_list[i])
f.write(ref + ',0,' + ",".join(cross_list) + ',\n')
# Definition of MovingWindow object
class MovingWindow():
'''Moving window object. This object is needed because the length of the
window constantly changes, and therefore custom methods of the window
have nice effect.'''
def __init__(self, break_ref, genotype_names, window_len):
'''The function that makes a movingwindow object.
break_ref : genotype ratios from which to disern crosspoints
genotype_names : the genotype names, such as 'a', 'h', 'b'
window_len : the amount of the chromosome we want to include in our
window. the length should be in bp or cM units, not SNP number units.'''
self._snp_list = []
self._break_ref = break_ref
self._genotype_names = genotype_names
self._point_dic = dict(zip(genotype_names, (0.0, 0.5, 1.0)))
self._window_len = window_len
def __len__(self):
'''returns the number of SNPs that are currently in the window.'''
return len(self._snp_list)
def insert(self, element):
'''inserts a new SNP in the window.
Upon inserting the new SNP to thewindow, the function will delete any
SNPs that are more than self._window_len away from the SNP inserted
just now.
element : a tuple in the format of (position, genotype)'''
while self._snp_list[0][0] + self._window_len < self._snp_list[-1][0]:
def genotype(self):
'''calculates the current genotype of the window.
The calculation is based on the breakpoint reference given when
the MovingWindow is first made.'''
_current_score = sum(self._point_dic[snp[1]] for snp in self._snp_list)
_res = None
if _current_score/len(self) > self._break_ref[1]:
_res = self._genotype_names[2]
elif _current_score < self._break_ref[0]:
_res = self._genotype_names[0]
_res = self._genotype_names[1]
return _res
def dump(self):
'''dumps any previous SNP data for efficient use of the moving window.'''
self._snp_list = []
# Matching setting variables on top
if len_unit_Mb:
''' window length can be changed here'''
win_len = 5e6
win_len = 1 # Change this to window length when length unit is cM
if genotype_case_upper:
gen_names = ('A', 'H', 'B')
gen_names = ('a', 'h', 'b')
# Generates MovingWindow object for use
window = MovingWindow(break_consts, gen_names, win_len)
# Refreshes out_file to empty
f = open(out_file, 'w')
# Where the actual work happens
for column in xrange(2, indi_number+2):
# First, read the data from the column.
snp_list = csvRead(in_file, column)
# Make a list to store the positions and genotypes.
genoty = []
snp = [snp_list[0]]
for k in range(1,len(snp_list)):
if snp_list[k][0] >= snp[-1][0] + 500000: # step size can be changed here
genoty.append((snp_list[k][0], window.genotype()))
# Calculate the breakpoints.
prev_type = genoty[0][1]
cross_points = [genoty[0][1]]
for genotype_bit in genoty[1:]:
if prev_type != genotype_bit[1]:
cross_points.append(genotype_bit[0]) # Append crosspoint position
cross_points.append(genotype_bit[1]) # Append genotype
prev_type = genotype_bit[1]
# Exclude transition point heteros.
gen_name_list = list(gen_names)
# gen_name_ref contains gen_names and its reverse for comparison
gen_name_ref = (gen_name_list, gen_name_list[::-1])
i = 0
while i < len(cross_points)-4:
if cross_points[i:i+5:2] in gen_name_ref: # If genotype ahb/bha...
if cross_points[i+3]-cross_points[i+1] < het_toler*win_len:
del cross_points[i+2:i+4] # Delete hetero data
print 'del'
i += 2
k = 0
same_gen_list = ( ['A','H','A'],['B','H','B'])
while k < len(cross_points)-3:
if cross_points[k:k+5:2] in same_gen_list: # If genotype aha/bhb...
if cross_points[k+3]-cross_points[k+1] < het_toler*win_len:
del cross_points[k+1:k+5] # Delete hetero and following same genotype data
print 'del'
k += 2
# Export to out_file.
MakeCsv(out_file, str(column-1), cross_points, chrom_len)
# Dump the SNP data just used.
#makes bin maps
import sys
def csvRead(filename):
'''reads csv files in a format that would be useful'''
f = open(filename, 'r')
dat_list = []
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
temp = line.split(',')
#reads only the crosspoints
return dat_list
in_dir = 'out_csv/example_breakpoint.csv'
out_dir = 'bin_maps/example_binmap.csv'
dat_list = csvRead(in_dir)
chrom_len = float(dat_list[-1][-1])
f_out = open(out_dir, 'w')
#interval 1 for cM and 100000 for bp
interval = 100000
#acc_thresh is individuals that should have crossover at that point
acc_thresh = 1
#cross_list is array that saves crosspoints
comb_cross_list = []
for i in xrange(0, int(chrom_len)-1, interval):
#searches for each point of chromosome
range_temp = 0
for individual in dat_list:
for crosspoint in individual[1::2]:
#for all crosspoints in all individuals,
if i<= float(crosspoint) < i+interval:
#if crosspoint is in appropriate range, add to temp variable
range_temp += 1
if range_temp >= acc_thresh:
#if same or more than acc_thresh discovered, added to cross_list
#header information: on top is bin numbers compared with chromosome length;
f_out.write('##bin number %d / %d\n' % (len(comb_cross_list), int(chrom_len)))
#header information: 2nd row has crosspoint positions for each bin
f_out.write(','.join([str(crosspoint) for crosspoint in comb_cross_list])+','+str(int(chrom_len))+'\n')
#finally writes meaningful data on folder.
#the 1st thing in a line is the individual number
for individual in dat_list:
for ref in comb_cross_list:
for cross_index in xrange(1, len(individual), 2):
if int(float(individual[cross_index])) > ref:
#makes image files from csv file
#you need 'Python Imaging Library (PIL)'
from PIL import Image
import sys
# if cM unit, set as True
cM = False
# if small case in csv file, set as true
small_case = False
if small_case:
colour = {'a':(255, 0, 0), 'h':(255, 192, 0), 'b':(20, 42, 178)}
colour = {'A':(255, 0, 0), 'H':(255, 192, 0), 'B':(20, 42, 178)}
def csvRead(filename):
f = open(filename, 'r')
dat_list = []
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
temp = line.split(',')
return dat_list
if cM == True:
compress = 1
compress = 500000
def drawpic(picname, dat_list):
chrom_len = int(float(dat_list[-1][-2]))
x_expand = 1
y_expand = 10
print chrom_len/compress
binmap ='RGB', (chrom_len/compress, len(dat_list)))
print 'image size :', binmap.size
for y in xrange(len(dat_list)):
for x in xrange(chrom_len/compress):
in_low = 0
in_high = 0
for i in xrange(len(dat_list[y])):
if i%2 == 0 and x < float(dat_list[y][i])/compress:
in_high = (i if x != 0 else 2)
for i in xrange(len(dat_list[y])-1, 0, -1):
if i%2 == 0 and x >= float(dat_list[y][i])/compress:
in_low = i
binmap.putpixel((x, y), colour[dat_list[y][in_low+1]])
binmap.resize((x_expand*chrom_len/compress, y_expand*len(dat_list)))
dat_list = csvRead('out_csv/example_breakpoint.csv')
drawpic('bin_maps/example_binmap.png', dat_list)